Prospect Database & New Registration Page

We have recently introduced a new section to ProMart 2.0 which allows clients to be able to maintain a separate area for prospect data. If you have purchased a prospecting list from a company data supplier or have gathered information from the internet then this is where you can store it. We can then use that information to automatically populate your websites registration form. This allows faster input of user details.

Intuative Tagging System

We have designed the entries to be taggable with comma separated tags. Any tags within your database will then appear in the drop down list and you can filter to show just those items.

You can also then keyword search within that tag. Use the tags to organise your data effectivly.

Great Searchability

All fields are searchable from address through to phone number. 

Where can I find it?

Access the Prospects List from your Customer List Dropdown Menu

Access the Prospects List from your Customer List Dropdown Menu

List View of Prospects

List View of Prospects

Store a Lot of Information

When you run an import of prospects you are able to store a large amount of information. This then gets transfered into your main system when you convert to a User.

CSV Column TitlesDescription
id Leave this blank if you want to add new prospects. Fill it in if you wish to update existing prospects
prospect_name The name of the contact at the company
prospect_email Email address
prospect_title Mr/Miss/Mrs Etc
prospect_mobile Mobile Phone Number
prospect_notes Unlimited text area for notes
prospect_company The name of the company
prospect_address_1 Address 1
prospect_address_2 Address 2
prospect_town Town
prospect_county County
prospect_postcode Postcode
prospect_phone Phone number
prospect_website_url Company Homepage
prospect_assign_to The ID of an Administrator
prospect_modified_on Modified Date
prospect_modified_by ID of the admin who last modified the prospect
prospect_created_on Date Created
prospect_created_by ID of the admin who created the prospect
prospect_user_tags Comma separated tags to be used on the prospect
prospect_social_facebook Prospects Full Facebook URL
prospect_social_linkedin Prospects Full Linkedin URL
prospect_social_twitter Prospects Full Twitter URL
prospect_social_skype Prospects Skype ID
prospect_social_youtube Prospects Full Youtube URL
Prospects Email used
prospect_social_pinterest Prospects Full Pinterest URL
prospect_source The Source of the Prospect

Click Here to Download The CSV Prospect Import Template


New! User Account Registration Page.

Before the only way to add a user to a ProMart 2.0 website was to process an enquiry or an order through the website. Well not anymore! We have now added a user registration page that both administrators and end users can use to create a user account on your system.

The page is also setup to auto populate the fields with URL parameters. So you can create links within Mailers or other parts of your website that automatically popluate this form. Data Entry is a lot faster when working with a ProMart 2.0 System

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